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Discogs Total Price Sorter

Discogs Total Price Sorter is a Chrome extension developed by Jon Uleis. It falls under the category of Browsers and specifically the subcategory of Add-ons & Tools. This free extension enhances the functionality of the Discogs Marketplace by upgrading the Price column to sort by total prices instead of just pre-shipping prices.

With Discogs Total Price Sorter, sorting by the Price column will now display a "Total Price" column that takes into account the shipping costs. This feature provides users with a more accurate representation of the actual cost of items. Additionally, the extension also ensures that items unavailable in your country are sorted to the bottom of the list. This is particularly useful as these items may initially appear cheaper due to the shipping cost not being included.

The extension is compatible with scripts that allow infinite loading, such as Discogs Enhancer and AutoPagerize. It is important to note that while the extension sorts all currently loaded listings on the page, it does not automatically pull in prices from any further results pages. To incorporate more results, it is recommended to set Discogs to view 250 listings at a time.

Overall, Discogs Total Price Sorter is a valuable extension for Discogs users who want a more comprehensive view of item prices, taking into account shipping costs and filtering out unavailable items.

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